One portal, countless smart angles.

Product analysis and comparison

Filter and analyse the Swiss indirect real estate investment universe according to various criteria:

  • Current vehicle data: Select investment products from the universe of over 150 products.
  • Key figures and benchmark comparisons: Compare current indicators with other products and benchmarks in just a few clicks.
  • Portfolio structure: Analyse and compare the portfolio structure according to use, region and location of the properties and benchmarks in just a few clicks.
  • Buildings: Analysis down to the property level. Follow properties over time or filter and analyse problematic properties.
  • Mortgages of funds: Analyse individual mortgages from funds by interest rate, term and volume or view average values by product.
  • ESG KPIs: Analyse ESG KPIs according to AMAS/KGAST.
  • PDF Report: Comparison of a product with a benchmark or two products in a convenient PDF report.

Portfolio analysis

Analyse and compare your portfolio with benchmarks.

  • Visualisation of the portfolio by region and use
  • Comparison with all common benchmarks
  • Comparison of portfolio key figures
  • PDF report



Alphaprop contains all relevant documents on more than 100 investment products for in-depth analysis. You have direct and comprehensive access to the annual reports and key figures since 2009.

Portfolio structure

The analysis of the portfolio structure enables you to compare a wide range of investment products while saving time. With filter criteria such as discount rates, major regions and usage, you can get an in-depth view of the opportunities and risks of a wide range of assets.

Selection of investment products

Do you have a particular asset class in mind? Alphaprop provides a clear pre-selection with just a few clicks. You can use the interactive filter function to efficiently build your product portfolio according to your individual requirements.

Key figures

It is no longer necessary to do extensive research on the data to make relevant comparisons with the benchmark. Alphaprop maps the development of the investment products of your interest quickly and clearly using the most important key figures.

Price & Performance

You get a quick overview of the daily price, premium and performance developments of the investment products and can compare them among themselves and with the KGAST and SIX indices.

Portfolio simulation

If you already hold a portfolio of indirect Swiss investment products and would like to simulate the impact of new investments on the overall portfolio structure, the simulation tool is extremely helpful. It generates analyses and shows the change in the portfolio structure as well as the past performance of the simulated portfolio.


The time-consuming and inefficient gathering of data in decentralised locations is over. Today, the Alphaprop data portal delivers fast and precise results. Alphaprop includes all data published since 2009 by Swiss investment foundations, real estate funds and, in the future, listed real estate companies. Data extracted directly from the product providers for the current year and other market information also help you to achieve positive alpha.

Property analysis

This function provides comprehensive data down to the level of an individual property. You can examine portfolios in detail and gain valuable insights by linking them to market and location indicators.

Portfolio development

Alphaprop shows the evolution of the portfolio over time in an intuitive way and allows a quick analysis of the main changes in the portfolio. For which uses and in which regions were products purchased: you will get answers with a few clicks.Alphaprop shows the evolution of the portfolio over time in an intuitive way and allows a quick analysis of the main changes in the portfolio. For which uses and in which regions products have been purchased: you will get answers with a few clicks.

Porträt Marina

Complete overview of the investment universe starting from 2009

Comparative cross-sectional and longitudinal data on relevant indicators, developments and trends

Central and reliable data quality and data availability at all times

Reduced processing costs




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